Favorite Matches

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Scott's Favorite Matches

Feb. 1 2007
I can't believe I went over a year with out a My favorite match column! My humble apologies. This one will be the last one for the forseeable future, for obvious reasons. These 2 matches are unquestionably my 2 favorites, because they got me what I have been working for all these years!
January 22, 2007:
Sunday Night Heat, Viscera vs. Wes Adams
The first match I have wrestled as Wes Adams since 2001!
My very first WWE match occured on my parent's 27th wedding anniversary, and I will never forget that. If you haven't seen this match go to WWE.com and watch it. Its a pretty quick and brutal match but it did what it was supposed to do.
Winner: Viscera in about 3 minutes.
January 23, 2007
ECW on Sci Fi.
Wes Adams vs. "The Alpha Male" Marcus Cor Von
Again, a quick brutal match that accomplished its goal. It is also on WWE.com under ECW Hardcore Hangover.
Winner: Marcus Cor Von in about 3 minutes.
December 21, 2005
Well, I dont have a lot of time so I'll cut right to it. This is going to be painfully short and if you don't like it, well call my agent. Right Ronnie?
Feb. 2004
IWAS, Burlington, NC
Scott Starr vs. Brass Munkey
I won.
He lost.
That is all.
November 23, 2005
November 19, 2005
Scott Starr vs. Nick Wonder (Referee Jeff Revette)
This match was not that long ago. Actually it was just last week. Kind of a last minute deal. It was a match that you want to send to promoters in an attempt to get work, but knowing the jackasses that ran this show, we'll never see it. Very hot crowd, about 150 there. Funny note, I brought in the wrong cd for my entrance. Instead of Intergalactic (Beastie Boys) I was shocked to hear Simon Says (Drain STH), a decidedly heel entrance theme. But got a suprisingly good reaction. On to the match:
After a few lockups, Wonder ducks a lock up and grabs a waistlock. Starr powers out into a wristlock, then switches to a hammerlock. Twists Wonder around into a snapmare and grabs a full nelson. Drops Wonder to his face and bridges over. Wonder works back up. Starr reverses full nelson into hammerlock, which Wonder reverses. Wonder works Starr over. Sweeps the legs out and rolls over for a 2 count. Starr bridges out into a backslide, which Wonder reverses. Starr kicks out, ducks a clothesline then gives Wonder a backslide for a 2 count. Face off. Crowd is impressed by actual wrestling! Wonder offers a handshake, Starr accepts but Wonder attempts a kick, which Starr catches and spins Wonder around into a overhead t bone suplex, followed by a stiff kick in the back. Wonder powders out. Wonder comes in challenging Starr to a test of strength. Wonder kicks Starr down and gets a couple of 2 counts. Starr works back up then gives Wonder 3 stiff kicks to the leg then reverses all the way down, then stomps on Wonders hands! Fun stuff. The two trade headlock reversals. Starr picks up Wonder for a slam, but drops him on the turnbuckle instead. 2 count. Trade headlock takeovers. Wonder grabs a headlock, then grab Starr's ankle and gives it a kneedrop. Heat starts with Wonder working the leg. Yada Yada. Insert old school heat methods here. Couple of hope spots. Wonder throws Starr into the turnbuckle, Starr up and overs Wonder into a rollup, which Wonder kicks out of and sends Starr to eat some turnbuckle. 2 Count. Throws Starr into the ropes misses 2 clotheslines and they collide! Ref starts count. Punches by Starr, Atomic Drop, Chops, the whole nine yards. Sends Wonder into the ropes, big boot, and the Fameasser! I really hate that name for a move, but anyways. One...Two...Foot on the ropes. Don't ya hate that. Starr inquires ref what happened. Wonder dropkicks Starr into ref. Ref down. Starr helps ref up, Wonder grabs Cruiserweight belt and throws it to Starr and lays down right as ref comes too. Ref DQ's Scott.
Wow, what a fun match. The finish was done to establish a feud over the cruiserweight belt (yeah I'm a cruiserweight to these idiots) and set up a return match. Only we ain't coming haha. Read the commentary for more on that one.
One word about the match if I may. It would not have come off as a plausible finish, if not for the work of referee Jeff Revette. Now any other asshole would have screwed that finish up. Not Jeff. Unlike many other referees, Jeff wasn't trying to put himself over at the expense of the wrestlers, nor was he lost and getting in the way of our spots. Got to give huge props for that. A lot of people told me they enjoyed the 3 plus minutes of chain wrestling too. To a lot of guys out there, you should try it some time instead of a half assed chair shot. You just might get over.

Contact Scott for Bookings ScottStarr1980@yahoo.com

Contact Wes Here: wesadams1@hotmail.com